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Megazyme 代理


更新时间:2017-02-09  |  阅读:833


进口品牌:Megazyme 代理
Megazyme公司 代理商
玉博生物 一级代理Megazyme 代理品牌
世界*品牌:Megazyme 代理,原装正品,质量保证,*
Megazyme 代理公司产品订购周期3-4周,部分现货
keyword:Megazyme 代理
Custom-DMEM w/o Phenol Red & Glucose, 500ml,货号:密理博Millipore D-164-B
Custom-DMEM w/o Argine, 500ml,货号:密理博Millipore D166B
Custom-Modified DMEM, 500ml,货号:密理博Millipore D168B
Custom-DMEM w/o Lysine & Arginine, 500ml,货号:密理博Millipore D169B
Custom - DMEM High Glucose w/o L-Lysine & L-Arginine, 500ml,货号:密理博Millipore D181B
Custom-DMEM w/o Glucose, I-inositol and Phenol Red, 500ml,货号:密理博Millipore D186B
Custom-DMEM/F12 w/o Glucose, I-inositol and Phenol Red, 500ml,货号:密理博Millipore D187B
Custom-DMEM w/o Inositol, 500ml,货号:密理博Millipore D191B
Custom - DMEM/F12 (50:50) w/ Non-Essential Amino Acids, 500ml,货号:密理博Millipore DF-001-B
Custom - DMEM/F12 (3:1) w/ supplements, 500ml,货号:密理博Millipore DF-009-B
Custom - DMEM/F12 w/o Iron, 500ml,货号:密理博Millipore DF-034-B
DMEM/F12, w/ HEPES, w/ GLUT, 500mL,货号:密理博Millipore DF-041-B
DMEM/F12, w/o HEPES, w/ GLUT, 500mL,货号:密理博Millipore DF-042-B
Custom-DMEM/F12 w/o Glucose, 500ml,货号:密理博Millipore DF049B
Custom-DMEM/F12 w/ HEPES, w/o Glucose & L-Glutamine, 500ml,货号:密理博Millipore DF050B
Custom-DMEM/F12 w/ HEPES, w/o Leuc, Phenylal, Tyro & Val, 500ml,货号:密理博Millipore DF051B
Custom-DMEM/F12 w/o Glutamine & Glutamic Acid, 500ml,货号:密理博Millipore DF052B
Custom-DMEM/F12 w/o KCL, 500ml,货号:密理博Millipore DF053B
Custom-DMEM/F12 inositol free, 500ml,货号:密理博Millipore DF054B
DPP-IV Inhibitor (1 ml),货号:密理博Millipore DPP4
DPP-IV Inhibitor (10 ml),货号:密理博Millipore DPP4-010
Custom-DMEM/RPMI, 500ml,货号:密理博Millipore DR-001-B
Mouse SAA-3 Detection Antibody (ELISA) (11 ml),货号:密理博Millipore E1012
Rat/Mouse Insulin Detection Antibody for ELISA (10ml),货号:密理博Millipore E1013
Human Insulin Detection Antibody for ELISA (3 ml),货号:密理博Millipore E1014
Human Insulin ASF Detection Antibody for ELISA (12 ml),货号:密理博Millipore E1014ASF
Human Insulin Detection Antibody for ELISA (3 ml) CE Mark,货号:密理博Millipore E1014CE
Human Total Proinsulin Detection Antibody for ELISA (12ml),货号:密理博Millipore E1015
Human Total Proinsulin Detection Ab for ELISA (12ml) CE Mark,货号:密理博Millipore E1015CE
Human Intact Proinsulin Detection Antibody for ELISA (12ml),货号:密理博Millipore E1017
Human Intact Proinsulin Detection Antibody for ELISA (12ml),货号:密理博Millipore E1017CE
Human FGF-21 Detection Antibody (ELISA) (3 ml),货号:密理博Millipore E1019
Human C-Peptide Detection Antibody for ELISA (3ml),货号:密理博Millipore E1020
ToxReporter ELISA Detection Antibody,货号:密理博Millipore E10201
Human C-Peptide Detection Antibody for ELISA (3ml) CE Marked,货号:密理博Millipore E1020CE
Rat/Mouse C-Peptide 2 Capture Antibody  (3ml),货号:密理博Millipore E1021-C
Rat/Mouse C-Peptide 2 Detection Antibody  (3ml),货号:密理博Millipore E1021-D
Mouse Adipsin Detection Antibody (ELISA) (11 ml),货号:密理博Millipore E1022
Mouse AGP Detection Antibody (ELISA) (12ml),货号:密理博Millipore E1023
Human NPY Capture Antibody (3ml),货号:密理博Millipore E1025-C
Human NPY Detection Antibody (12ml),货号:密理博Millipore E1025-D
Rat/Mouse FGF-21 Detection Antibody (ELISA) (1.2 ml),货号:密理博Millipore E1026
Rat/Mouse NPY Capture Antibody (3ml),货号:密理博Millipore E1027-C
Rat/Mouse NPY Detection Antibody (3ml),货号:密理博Millipore E1027-D
Human AGF/ANGPLT6 Detection Antibodies - ELISA,货号:密理博Millipore E1028
Canine Leptin Detection Antibody (11ml),货号:密理博Millipore E1031
Human FGF-23 Detection Antibody (ELISA) (12 ml),货号:密理博Millipore E1032
GLP-1(Active) Detection Conjugate for ELISA (21 ml),货号:密理博Millipore E1035
GLP-2 Detection Antibody (ELISA) (12ml),货号:密理博Millipore E1037
关键词:Megazyme 代理
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